Ordering & Monitoring Lab Tests

Ordering & Monitoring 
Lab Tests

Did you know that lab tests may be recommended to ensure that the drug you’re taking is effective and safe for you? Learn about some of the tests your pharmacist can order and what they mean for your health.

One role of your pharmacist is to check your prescriptions and advise you on how to take them. Another role is to monitor you while you're taking medication to make sure the drug is safe and effective for you. If your doctor hasn't ordered blood tests, your pharmacist may be able to order them instead. For example, blood glucose testing or a lipid profile will show whether your diabetes or cholesterol medication is working.

For other medications, your pharmacist will check that your body is tolerating the drug by ordering blood tests that provide information about your kidney or liver health. Other medications, such as thyroid and epilepsy medication, anticoagulants and lithium, also require periodic testing to make sure the treatment is effective and safe for you. Those tests let your pharmacist monitor your health so that you get the most out of your treatment. Note that pharmacists can’t order X-rays or other tests to diagnose other health problems.
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